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The Fitness Center is typically staffed from 8am-11am Mon-Fri and 3:30-5:30pm Mon-Thurs.
You can the email the fitness center or contact the Community Ed Office during regular hours to arrange an appointment to meet for fitness center tours. Please contact either or or call 320-354-1449.
Click here for a membership form. You can fill out the membership form and make an appointment with the Fitness Center or Community Ed Office to start the membership process. Please be prepared to pay key fob fees and a prorated amount if you are starting midway through a month. If you have fitness center insurance benefits please let us know so we can have proper paperwork filled out for reimbursement.
Member Guidelines: Bring your own water bottle, sweat towel and exercise mat if you use one. Hydration station is also available. Indoor Restroom is also available. NO items can be left at the fitness center (Please take your shoes home each time). Upon entrance, each member should pick up a disinfectant bottle and cleaning towel to use at each piece of equipment prior to and after use. After workout, drop off bottle at marked table and deposit cleaning towel into dirty towel hamper. By entering the fitness center you agree to the assumption of risk and waiver relating injury and COVID-19.