New London-Spicer - rSchoolToday Class Registration v3.0
Looking for a safe structured environment for your child after school or during the summer? P.A.L.S. is New London-Spicer's after school and summer program for K-4th grade. Monthly themes, daily activities to choose from and being with your friends=GREAT TIME! Activities are geared to excite and extend your child's interest and learning development.

Click Here for 2023-2024 Fall PALS Before/After School Registration Forms

Click here for the October 2023 - May 2024 Calendars

Before/After School

P.A.L.S. Before and or After School Child Care K-4th Grade (Only NL-S Students)
NEW HOURS:7-8am Prairie Woods Cafetorium/Gym
3:00 - 5:30pm Cafetorium
School Days Only - Unless Marked

Phone 320-354-2252 ext. 2627

Looking for a safe structured environment for your child after school?  P.A.L.S. is the place to be.  Monthly themes, daily activities to choose from and being with your friends=GREAT TIME!  Each afternoon your child will be able to pick the activity they would like to do.  Activities are geared to excite and extend your child's interest and learning development.  Activities are Craft Center, Games, Kids & Sports, Hike & Learn, Science Kids, Kids Explore Computers, Kids in the Kitchen, Friday Free Day. Snacks are included in the daily routine.  PALS does not transport kids to activities during the school year (summer only).  If an activity is in the same building as PALS and we receive a written request from the parent one week prior to the activity requesting us to get your child to or from PALS we can accommodate. Registration Fees for PALS Childcare are non-refundable
Field Trips and Movies may have additional costs


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