New London-Spicer - rSchoolToday Class Registration v3.0
Ice Cream Science (Grades K-8 Grade)
#: 24WY1220   ID:    Section: May 17  
This class is designed for youth to have FUN while learning some science concepts (inquiry based).  We will be using the simplest of techniques (freezer bags and ice) - but also teach other methods of the business in today’s world. Come and have some fun with your friends!!

Prairie Woods students should have a note to ride the shuttle bus to the Middle School. Middle School students can report directly to the High School FACS Room. Class instructor will meet the students at the shuttle bus and take them to the FAC Room.  Parents pick up at the Main Middle School Entrance (by the water tower/playground area)
3:00 PM
Charlene (Char) Bzdok
Registration Cutoff Date:
Dates & Times:
5/17/2024   3:00PM - 4:30PM High School - FACS/Cooking Classroom -Rm 1014- Figueroa-Ghent