New London-Spicer - rSchoolToday Class Registration v3.0
Art Camp - Wildcat (Completing K-5th Grade)
#: 24SY1250   ID:    Section: Aug 12-16  
Enjoy an extended time of doing art together.  This art camp will focus on different art mediums and with the extended time we will be able to do bigger projects and/or multiple art projects each day.  Each day will have a different them as well as movement breaks.  Come and enjoy being creative, trying new things, being with your peers, getting a little messy and having lots of fun!  All supplies and materials are included.  Libbie has been teach kids for over 10 years and love making learning fun, creative and engaging.
M, Tu, W, Th, F 
3:15 PM
Libbie Anderson
Registration Cutoff Date:
Dates & Times:
8/12/2024   3:15PM - 5:15PM High School - Cafeteria - Dining Area
8/13/2024   3:15PM - 5:15PM High School - Cafeteria - Dining Area
8/14/2024   3:15PM - 5:15PM High School - Cafeteria - Dining Area
8/15/2024   3:15PM - 5:15PM High School - Cafeteria - Dining Area
8/16/2024   3:15PM - 5:15PM High School - Cafeteria - Dining Area